About Us

We are the UK's Number One Supplement company helping people achieve their goals day in day out!

Bodybuilding Warehouse started life on eBay in 2008. We quickly grew to become one of the largest supplement sellers on eBay, with a 99%+ feedback rating. At that point, the company decided we wanted to branch out and sell some of the more interesting and innovative products we'd seen in the US and launched the store!

Since then, Bodybuilding Warehouse has continued to expand. Within the first 5 months of launching, we'd grown from holding 50 products, to over 400 unique lines with over 1,100 product variations and stacks! We also began to sign distribution contracts with some of the most exciting brands in the USA - we are now the UK distributor for both Applied Nutriceuticals, and Anabolic Innovations.

All this wouldn't exist - or have even got off the ground - were it not for having great customers who supported us all the way. We pride ourselves with having the best customer service in the industry.

Press releases

Bodybuilding Warehouse announce opening of state of the art factory

Bodybuilding Warehouse , a leading provider of sports supplements, has just announced the opening of a new state of the art factory within their... read more

18.12.2013 • By Bodybuilding Warehouse / Andy Wilson

Bodybuilding Warehouse teams up with one of the World’s largest Health...

Bodybuilding Warehouse has teamed up with one of the World’s largest manufacturers of Health Ingredients to release PeptoPro! PeptoPro is an... read more

17.12.2013 • By Bodybuilding Warehouse / Andy Wilson
